Homecoming Sunday is October 9 and you are invited to join us for worship, food, fellowship, and fun! This is a chance to connect with brothers and sisters in Christ old and new! We will begin at 11:00 with Christ-centered worship and continue with a potluck soup lunch and games inside and outside for people of all ages!
We want you to come on home to the Federated Church and invite your friends and neighbors, too! Postcards were given out last Sunday to send to people you would like to invite. More postcards are available at church. The more the merrier! For more information, please call the office at 509.745.8785 Our first session of our new adult formation class this past Tuesday was a blast! Plan on joining us for the next one, Tuesday, September 13. We have two sessions each time: 11:00am-12:00pm and 7:00pm-8:00pm.
We take a look at American church history that will probably counter a lot of what you might have learned or the myths we take as fact. For instance, we usually assume that in colonial and American revolution times that everybody went to church. But did you know that only 17% of the population regularly attended church in 1776? Did you know that about 62% of Americans belonged to a church in 2000? What accounts for this increase? This is one of the things we will try to get a grasp on during our times together. Join us! No experience necessary! Our communal worship gathering returns to 11:00am on September 11, 2016. Children will be taken to Sunday School during worship. Adult Sunday School is at 10:00am in the conference room. See you Sunday!